And yet as a Canadian, I feel separated by these words.

There is a time for all things under heaven. Under, not within heaven.

The ideals of equality is not held in most people's hearts and minds. Therefore, we still create hierarchies, no matter what is written on paper. Us, them, we, they, me, he, she, I ... all create structures of separation. How would seeking unity within a border that separates others, create unity within it?

It was a step, but I feel not the destination. The ideas may have great merit, but humanity still is flawed. The leaders reflecting our flaws as greatly today as a King once did in your eyes. They are as good or bad as we need them to be to reflect our inner Kingdom within. Until humanity releases the veils of forgetting, there will always be mirrored separation in the outer, reflecting the separation from our true nature within. When we find unity within, (not Heaven over, Christ above, but the unification with, all parts equal, experiences not judged into good or wrong) then the outer will reflect that unity. And then my friend, there will be no need of an American border and outer rules to connect us properly as one We will all lead from the inside out, where we are equal connected and already One.

To lead us there to this new future, I choose connecting to that within and find my guidance. I'm not sure I personally need to follow any ideal on paper anymore. My connection to you now where we sit together in harmony does not require these words I send to you. Is this action of words even necessary? Only because I separate myself from you in this realm here.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author

Thanks, Tina, for these thoughtful reflections. It is true that when we achieve divine unity within, the outer divisions fade away. It is also true that we cannot close our eyes to our unique duties, roles, and higher desires in that place and time in which God has placed us. As for me, I am both storyteller and sacred activist, seeking to blend devotional meditation and a meaningful contribution to the betterment of humanity. The stories of great sacred activists such as Dr. King, Mahatma Gandhi, Amma, and others are wonderfully inspiring examples, and as a student of history, I feel called to protect these heroic lives from distortion and defamation. The United States of America are facing a grave crisis because of the degradation and potential loss of our own flawed but inspiring history. As both yogi and storyteller, I am called to share in this way. Again, thanks for your sharing here. We need to somehow walk that fine line between fulfilling our role in the world and remaining in joyful awareness that arises from remembering that it is all the great playful Recreation of the Divine, as we "walk each other home."

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